It doesn’t matter if strolling through the stalls of second hand books, in front of the shelves in a bookshop, comfortably lying on a sofa or stretched out on a lawn, submerged by the foam in a bathtub, curled up on a chair or with feet in air, in a car, at the bar with a glass in hand and a cigarette between the lips: there is always a moment to dedicate to reading. And it does not matter whether it’s a script to be studied, a novel to lose in, a book to leaf through, a newspaper, or just crosswords… The magic of the written words is always the same and seems to capture these celebrities of the big screen of the past.

Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh

Veronica Lake

Tom Brown

Toby Wing

Sophia Loren

Rita Hayworth

Peggy Dow

Paul Newman

Olivia De Havilland

Natalie Wood, Dennis Hopper and Nick Adams

Myrna Loy

Merle Oberon

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marcello Mastroianni

Leslie caron

Lauren Bacall

Lana Turner

Joan Kemmerling

Jean Simmons

James Dean

James Dean and Elisabeth Taylor

Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly

Ginger Rogers

Gene Tierney

Gene Kelly

Fred Astaire

Elvis Presley

Elisabeth Taylor

Elisabeth Taylor

Dorothy Hart

Dean Martin

Clark Gable

Clark Gable

Cathy O’Donnell

Buster Keaton

Brigitte Bardot

Betty Crable

Betty Crable

Barbara Laage

Ava Gardner

Ava Gardner

Audrey Hepburn

Arthur Freed and Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Marlene Dietrich

Gregory Peck

Alfred Hitchcock

Clint Eastwood
Via Vintag.es and Pinterest