Le Clitoris is a playful 3-min short film that has seduced festival audiences worldwide.

le clitoris_Lori Malepart-Traversy short documentary video - the chic flaneuse

Once and for all, Canadian Lori Malépart-Traversy, using animation, examine with humor, the physical anatomy of the clitoris and the manner in which it has been misunderstood and badly interpreted by many men throughout history.

le clitoris Lori Malepart-Traversy short documentary video screenshot 2 the chicflaneuse.com

le clitoris Lori Malepart-Travery short documenrary video screenshot thechicflaneuse

In a painstaking job lasted 8 months, the artist turned the clitoris into a character, choosing simplicity and efficiency, a fun pink aesthetic and an inventive soundtrack, to treat a delicate subject. Between gags and information moments, cheecky and edifying at the same time, Le Clitoris tries to tell the story and the anatomy of the only organ of the human body exclusively devoted to pleasure.

We highly recommend the view to gentlemen!

Here below visual essay with comments from the director as found on  Cartoon Brew

Documentary aspect cartoonbrew

documentary cartoonbrew

the clitoris - documentary simplicity

documentary cartoonbreew

le clitoris lori malepart-traversy Humor

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